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Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles (MHEV)

If you want to ease yourself into your electric vehicle experience, then mild hybrids are the way to go. They are less complex, easier to afford, and are not too dissimilar to drive, unlike newer conventional models. 

An MHEV is powered by a system that stores the energy normally lost during vehicle deceleration and cleverly redeploys the energy to help the engine. Most MHEVs include Stop-Start technology which enables the engine to cut off whilst the vehicle slows down to stop and improves its fuel economy. 

Mild hybrids have manual gearboxes, so they’re a great option for those who want to stick to a more traditional driving experience. MHEVs are not as environmentally friendly as full hybrids or fully electric vehicles.

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Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles (MHEV)

Some of the benefits of a Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle (MHEV):

  • Typically provide improved fuel efficency when compared to ICE vehicles

  • Typically reduce vehicle emissions over equivalent petrol/diesel only cars

  • No need to plug-in or charge

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