Available at Charles Hurst PEUGEOT Dealerships
List Price | £34,660.00 |
Group Price | £34,660.00 |
Saving on list price | £0.00 |
Monthly rental | £268.93 |
Initial rental | £2,689.32 |
Duration (months) | 24 |
Annual mileage | 6,000 |
Excess mileage charge per mile | 22.41p |
Offer expiry date | 30/09/2024 |
Contract hire agreement. You will never own the vehicle. Credit hire is subject to status. Excess mileage will be charged. Manufacturer’s servicing and maintenance requirements to be fully met. Vehicle condition subject to fair wear and tear. When returned, vehicle condition, excess mileage and missed servicing/maintenance charges may apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time.
Charles Hurst Limited (Company No. NI004882) registered in Northern Ireland with its registered office at 62 Boucher Road, Belfast, County Antrim, BT12 6LR. It is an appointed representative of Lookers Motor Group Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 309424. We are a credit broker, not a lender and can introduce you to a number of lenders. Introducing you to a number of lenders means we receive a commission. Lenders pay commission at different rates either as a fixed fee or as a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow. The commission that we receive does not affect the amount that you pay to the lender under the credit agreement.
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